Thursday 30 January 2014

Lusts of the week #6

Lusts of the week #6

Laura Mercier Silk Creme Foundation
I've read and heard such good things about this foundation on the blogging and vlogging scene, so it's a must on my list of products to try!

Apple iPad Air
As you may have seen in previous lusts of the weeks (here and here) I have been (and still am) lusting over a Macbook. My funds just aren't quite up to par at the moment (currently on the hunt for a second casual job!) so I'm planning to buy an iPad instead - plus it'll be much lighter for me to carry in my bag to uni!

Vanity/Dressing Table (pictured)
My love for these blossomed many years ago and is still in the honeymoon stage! I wish there was enough space in my bedroom for one haha. It's the dream - I will own it some day!

Leather Look Asymmetrical skirt from Glassons
I saw this skirt in an outfit post by Katie at Steal The Spotlight (note: new fashion inspiration - check her out she is amazing!) and fell in love. I have to have it. Or similar ;)

PS. Lusts of the week have started to become a series I post on a Thursday - I think that's a scheduled thing I can (and want) to stick to and and I know some of you like these.. sooo expect them on a Thursday! (*hopes that I haven't just jinxed my current regular blogging routine that I am oh-so-proud-of*) Also, keep an eye out for my January Favourites coming tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. ahhh that vanity is gorgeous!
    and i have been lusting over the exact same glassons skirt, stunning!


    ♥ Ellen
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