Friday 14 February 2014

Walk The Line

Wearing Peppermayo dress (sold out, sorry!) Windsor Smith shoesColette by Collette Hayman bag, Diva chain, Sportsgirl sunglasses

Happy Valentines Day guys!! Whether you're single or all loved up, I hope you have a lovely day! If you're single like myself, go out and spoil yourself a little because you deserve it! *kissy-face-emoji*

I wore this outfit when I went to the city on Tuesday and I just couldn't wear the dress and not make a post about it! It was love at first sight after I saw it on Katie from Steal The Spotlight - I knew I had to have it! Not to mention it goes perfectly with my Windsor Smith Lily's that also hold a huge place in my heart. Must be fate.

I also filmed a video! Most of you probably wouldn't know that about two years ago I used to post videos on Youtube - until my camera got stolen (it was only a point-and-shoot thank god!) but because the video format wouldn't work in any programs, they were also terrible and unedited *shudder* (nice try but they're all on private now mwahaha). I've been wanting to get back into it for so long now and what better time than now? What am I waiting for? It's below, I hope you enjoy watching it (and maybe subscribe while you're at it? I might make some more) And don't talk to me about my URL - I made it in 2009 okay?! And I couldn't think of a new one haha.



  1. absolute perfection my love <3
    p.s. your eyebrow game is hella strong! :)

  2. Looks amazing on you Emma and I'm loving that handbag! xx
