Saturday 16 January 2016

Rodeo Drive

Wearing: Cotton On overalls, Asos top, Converse, Quay Australia sunglasses via White Fox Boutique, The Horse watch, Colette by Colette Hayman bag

I'm currently in Adelaide!!! I got here on Wednesday and leave Monday night so just a short lil holiday :) I'm staying with my BEAUTIFUL friend Megan who I've actually known for like six years thanks to these little things called Tumblr and the Internet! This week is the first time we've ever met which will sound weird to a lot of people but it's actually so so cool - but more on that in another post.

Do you call these overalls or dungarees??? I say overalls but I've been suprised to hear people call them the latter - I thought you'd just say dungarees if a baby was wearing some? Anyway, I saw these back in Sydney at Cotton On and really wanted them so I bought them in Rundle St Mall in Adelaide the other day, I'M OBSESSED! I borrowed Megan's 'Rodeo Drive' top and it goes perrrrfectly with it. I've been wanting it for a while myself but never got around to it. I just looked online and they've only got one size left, boooo.

We were walking around her area and found this graffiti on the wall the other day so naturally when we saw it today we took photos of it. It's pretty cute.


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