Wednesday, 1 May 2013

University blues

This week I'm back at uni after having last week off and I was really honestly dreading going back. It's so exhausting and I'm so lazy, plus I'm not enjoying all of my subjects this semester so it's a bit of a struggle to find some motivation, but I'm pushing through.

So here's some pretty pictures because I haven't posted in a while.. I'm working on it x

1 comment:

  1. Emmmmmmma ♥ Ahh, these images are all so lovely! Especially the pineapple one but it's making me a bit sad because right now it's pouring rain. :< Boohoo! Haha. Aaaah, a uni break would've been so lovely :3 Quite jealous, haha. At the moment I'm just counting down to winter break :3 Oh, bummer! I'm the same, I've got a few subjects which are rather dry -_- We'll get through it! xxx
