A huge Thank You to the lovely Megan of Happiness and Diamonds for nominating me! Sorry that it's taken me so long to post.
The Liebster Blog Award “is all about discovering blogs, and helping those with less than 200 followers to get recognized."
The Rules
· Each person awarded must post 11 facts about themselves
· Answer the 11 questions the nominator has set for them
· Create 11 more questions for the bloggers they will nominate
· Choose 5 bloggers to nominate
· Let the lucky bloggers know
11 facts about me:
♥ I have my own car
♥ I always seem to leave my assignments until the very last possible minute.. literally! :/
♥ I spent two weeks in France on a school trip in 2010
♥ I live in Australia
♥ I am obsessed with Instagram
♥ I wish I could play guitar - I got a 'teach yourself' book for my 15th but was too lazy to ever look at it.. That was over three years ago..
♥ I'm currently loving leopard print
♥ I would much rather swim in a pool than in the ocean
♥ When I was 14-15, I was in love with the Jonas Brothers!
♥ I have a fourteen year old brother and an eleven year old sister
♥ Demi Lovato is my favourite celebrity!
Megan's questions:
♥ What's your favourite Summer food?
Definitely Zooper Doopers, or any kind of icy pole!
♥ Where would you love to travel to?
All over the world! New York, LA, basically just most of America, France (again), Italy, Mexico, Greece, England, Austria, Germany, Singapore, Perth.. I could go on!
♥ Who is your favourite actor/actress?
Umm I'm not sure actually, I've never really had a favourite.
♥ Where would you be on a hot summer's day?
Probably just in my room like usual.. with my fan on. Or probably in my pool, or in the pool at a friend's house or even at the beach with friends, it depends really.
♥ What was the last thing you ate?
Tiny Teddies with Nutella :)
♥ If you could choose to be a movie character who would you be?
This is hard too! Umm, maybe Miley Cyrus' character from the movie LOL? I don't know, there's plenty of movies that I haven't seen haha.
♥ What is your favourite makeup brand?
I would have to say Benefit - even though they're quite expensive in Australia and I only have two of their products - I just adore their packaging and of course because their products are great! As for drugstore, I really like Maybelline, Australis and Revlon - I don't really have a favourite.
♥ Why is that your blog url?
A few years ago when I was changing my Tumblr url, I was looking around my room for inspiration when I saw my Britney Spears 'Curious' perfume and 'Full of Curiosity' just came to me and it stuck.
♥ What is your dream job?
I would love to be a feature writer or beauty writer for a fashion magazine, like Shop til you Drop.
♥ What is your favourite book?
I can't choose just one! Definitely between The Fault in Our Stars and Looking for Alaska, both by John Green, and The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Oh and the Shiver series by Maggie Stiefvaster.
♥ What is your favourite perfume?
I absolutely love Daisy by Marc Jacobs (even though I don't own it... yet) but I love my Harajuki Lovers perfume in 'G'.. it smells like coconut and I need to get a new one because I'm very low.
My Questions for YOU!
♥ What is your favourite fashion trend at the moment?
♥ What are you hoping to achieve by the end of 2012?
♥ Name some of your current favourite songs.
♥ What was the last movie you watched?
♥ What is at the top of your Christmas list this year?
♥ What are your plans for the summer holidays?
♥ What is your favourite scent?
♥ What is your favourite kind of smoothie?
♥ What is your favourite make-up brand?
♥ What is your favourite item of clothing that you own?
♥ If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you be?
I tag:
♥ I don't follow enough blogs with less than 200 followers haha!
AWH! <3 Thank you so much Emma! xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome lovely!! :3 xoxoxo