Tuesday, 26 June 2012

LOTD | Clothes #1

I have enjoyed watching Louise of Sprinkle of Glitter on Youtube for quite a while now and have decided to join in with one of her blog challenges! (actually two, but more on that tomorrow)

This particular challenge is called Love Of The Day (or simply LOTD) and I will link you to her blog post because obviously her explanation is better than anything I could possibly come up with (since she y'know, came up with the whole thing) but basically each day has a theme where you post about something you have been lusting over! I thought this would be a great way to get me motivated to blog more often and to branch out and communicate with fellow bloggers!

As she states in her post, Mondays will be about clothes! (It's technically 12:35am on Tuesday right now here in Australia but shh!)

Today I am mooching over these JCrew Pixie Pants (which I mentioned in my wishlist that I posted earlier today). I've heard plenty about them over Youtube about how comfy they are and many other great things. JCrew actually isn't available here in Australia so I was thrilled to discover that JCrew ships to Australia (with free shipping too!) but there's a slight obstacle.... they are $125 AUD! So for now I will keep mooching and wishing and maybe some day (soon, in the near future?) they will be mine.

I am really looking forward to keeping at this challenge (and I will stick with it!) so I think that you should DEFINITELY join in!

What are you lusting over today?

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