I've been tagged in the Liebster Award tags multiple times now but it's been a while and my friend Marcia of Style, She Said tagged me and I've been lacking post ideas so here we are! This is basically just a tag to help expose smaller blogs. Marcia gave me 11 questions that I will answer below along with some questions for those that I tag!
Marcia's Questions:
1. How would you describe your blog?
My blog is a huge collection of things I love and bits about my life.
2. What has been your favourite blog post so far and why?
I'd say my 2014 Hall of Fame post because I love how the photos turned out and on my new flatlay 'backdrop' you could call it.
3. How did you pick your blog name and does it have a meaning?
I remembered seeing the word 'serendipity' on Tumblr and it's always stuck in my head. It's when something happy or good happens by accident. "State of Serendipity" just had a nice ring to it, and being in a state of happy surprises is always nice.
4. What season do you most prefer?
Summer is my favourite! I love the warm weather, going to the beach, going on holidays and being able to relax and spend so much time with my friends without worrying about uni.
5. What is your favourite quote?
"Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth."
6. If you could meet one person who would it be?
I'm sure there are so many people I'd love to meet but I'm going to say MEGAN because we would just have a great time together drinking champagne and being fabulous and it will happen one day, it will!!! <3
7. What is one thing you could never live without?
My bed. I loooooove it WAY too much. Especially now with it's new doona, cover, pillows, everything (here)
8. If you could live one day as a character from any TV series/movie who would it be and why?
I've sat here for a couple of hours trying to think of an answer to this - IT'S SO HARD! But um, maybe Rory Gilmore? I don't know why though. I always loved Gilmore Girls so so much. I don't really have an answer for this, so let's go with that.
9. What is the best thing about being a blogger?
I love making friends with other people who have blogs and share the same interests as I do, it's a whole other world that so many people don't know about!
10. What is the worst thing about being a blogger?
There's not much that I find negative as this isn't my job or anything, but nowadays it can get difficult to get your blog out there because there are so many! I find setting myself aside differently from everyone is a bit hard and annoying.
11. Is there are blogger that you aspire to be like, if so who?
Two that spring to mind are Tash from mywardrobeonablog - I love her style and the way she edits her blog photos - and Katie from Steal The Spotlight - I especially love her YouTube videos and the way she edits them, as well as her incredible style!
Here are my questions:
1. What inspired you to start blogging?
2. What are you most proud of about your blog?
3. What is your favourite thing to blog about?
4. Describe an average day in your life.
5. Which is your favourite social media site?
6. Favourite music artists at the moment?
7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
8. What song put you in your happiest place?
9. Favourite Youtube channel/s?
10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
11. List some of your favourite blogs.
Emily: Emily Marj
Megan: Girl Gone Life
YOU: If you want to do this tag and share the love, do it! If you do make sure to link your post in a comment so I can check it out and maybe find some new blogs!