Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Yesterday my lovely friend Megan from Always Wonderful nominated me for the Liebster Award! Thanks girl!

I was actually nominated in November last year and did a post (see here) but I thought I would do it again as it's a different batch of questions and I've dived a little deeper into the blogging world as of late.. I have also just realised that it slightly different from last time.. sooo here we go!

So this is how it works:
- Link the blogger who nominated you: Megan
- Answer the 10 questions your nominator has asked.
Keep the chain growing by nominating 10 of your favourite bloggers who have less than 200 followers, and let them know. (I am telling you now that I do not have 10.. fail!)
- Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.

Megan's Questions:
1. If you could only use one make-up product for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This is tricky, it would definitely have to be a tie between the eyeshadow I use to fill in my brows and mascara. I feel incomplete without doing my brows and mascara makes me look more awake. (I would definitely need concealer for under my eyes, but luckily I'll never be faced with this decision)

2. What is your ultimate dream job?
Beauty writer for a women's magazine. Or maybe a radio host. I'm not 100% sure anymore, but definitely something in the media industry.

3. When did you start your blog and why?
My first post on this blog was in February 2012. This is probably my third blog in the past four years but I read a tonne of blogs so I thought I would give it a go myself!

4. What is the one thing you cannot leave the house without?
Strawberry flavoured gum.

5. Describe your perfect day.
Probably just your typical lazy day at home, laying around in bed watching Youtube videos and reading blogs until I feel like getting up and just not having to worry about anything such as uni or work.. just a relaxing day.. having the house to myself would be the cherry on top. 

6. If you only had to shop/wear one store/brand for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Probably Cotton On, so many of my outfits are 100% Cotton On; my style spot on (can I say the word 'on' one more time?)

7. What is the first movie you remember watching as a child?
I don't know about first ever movie, but I remember the first movie I saw in the cinemas was Barney's Great Adventure. I cried. Barney was my favourite show. I don't understand why I cried either.

8. If you were locked in a room with another person for a whole day, who would you want it to be?
I actually have no clue. I could get quite annoyed by one person quite easily so they'd have to be someone who wouldn't be up in my grill the whole time.

9. If you could go back in time, where would you go?
I don't think I would to back too far, I like right now. Maybe the 80s or 90s to see their crazy fashion and to see the similarities to how it is now.

10. Who is your ultimate celebrity crush?
I've thought about this and I don't really have an ultimate celebrity crush, I watch Youtube far more than I watch TV or anything.. so Finn Harries. Yep. How could you not?

My nominees are:
Hayley from Dewar Daisy
Emily from Emily Marj
Jasmine from Jasmine Cara
Georgie from Frangipani Princess

My 10 questions:
1. Why and when did you start your blog?
2. What is your guilty pleasure?
3. If you could invite five people (dead or alive) to dinner, who would you choose?
4. What is your favourite type of blog to read? (beauty, fashion, lifestyle, etc)
5. Which social media website do you prefer?
6. What is your favourite make-up brand?
7. If you could live in someone else's shoes for just one day, who would it be?
8. Who is your biggest inspiration?
9. If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
10. Best childhood memory?

Hope you enjoyed this post, and if I didn't tag you feel free to complete this as well. Let me know in a comment so I can have a look!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Lusts of the Week #2

Lusts of the Week #2

I have been lusting over Sigma brushes ever since I began watching beauty videos on Youtube, over two years ago now, and I am still yet to own some. I need to do some major saving so I can splurge on these bad boys!

These babies showed up on my Instagram feed the other day and I love the look of them! I don't own too many pairs of shoes and I struggle with spending large amounts of money on shoes (the most I've spent is $40 at Rubi Shoes) so I would obviously have to see if these look any good on before forking out $150 for them but I am in need of a new pair of heels to wear clubbing and these look gorgeous in photos on their own!

Have you spotted a trend here? I've recently loved looking through Windsor Smith's footwear range and I spot these everywhere! I see so many people in the city and at uni wearing these - the white ones are even starting to grow on me after seeing how good they look on some girls! I was shopping with some friends last week and one tried these on and I have learnt that they can look really good or not-as-good depending on your outfit so I'll have to have a little think about these.. I've had my eyes on them for so long!

I have always loved Apple products - from our old family computer, to my old desktop (which I still dust off from time to time), numerous iPods and my beloved iPhone 5 - but I unfortunately did not have the sufficient funds for a Macbook in February last year when I wanted to buy a laptop to use university. So I ended up buying a cute little 11" HP and it has done me very good until earlier this year I dropped it causing the left hinge to slowly, very slowly, fall apart and now suddenly the right side has started to fall apart on me so my laptop is now unable to stay open without falling backwards (this is it's current state as of writing this post).. fun times.. but I also really want to start my Youtube channel back up again and would love for a Mac and to be able to use all of the amazing software.. and I just love Macs okay?! Sooo anyone got a Mac they want to get rid of....?? ;)

Ah the classic furniture piece of a beauty blogger. You will spot one of these bad boys in most room tours and make-up collections on YouTube and although I don't have nearly enough make-up to fill this thing with (although I'm sure one day I will) I would probably store my hair products and jewellery and other things in there. I don't know, I just really want one and it seems to store a lot if you make the most the space. First I magically need some space in my room, then maybe this can become a realistic option haha. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and sorry that I have neglected this blog a little bit.. Life got busy!
What are you currently lusting over? Tell me in the comments! xx